Monday, January 12, 2009

Most embarrassing moment of the day

I walked into my very very new colleague relieving HIMself in the bathroom. Yes. Thats what he did and that's what I saw and now its more awkward then ever before to talk to him. He should have locked the door if you ask me.
Cant wait to go to work tomorrow...


The Author said...

I swear when you said 'relieving himself' (funny phrase, really) I thought he was doing something less - 'a bit handier'. Anyways, the embarrassment should be his and not yours, if he chooses to think a shut door does the job just like a locked door.

Kajsa Hallberg Adu said...

Haha, this is blogging at its best. Please continue to share! And dont feel embarrassed, since he didnt lock the door it could've happened to anyone!