Thursday, January 15, 2009

If I were a proper blogger, I'd be able to write something today


I couldn't think of anything clever to write on our topic at ghanablogging this time.

I'm ashamed.

Instead I spent my evening with these two beautiful people. Time well spent.


The Author said...

Yngvild, if it makes you feel better, I chose (a long time ago) to blog about either Leonardo da Vinci or Sir Isaac Newton (with Shaka, King of the Zulu, a distant third). After my research, I was so flummoxed with serious knowledge, that my creative juices iced up.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry; we all have our 'off' days. Hope work is going great.

Maya Mame said...

Yes Yngvild,
If you look around it seems most of us choked on the topic. Luckily I am on a blogger's break at the moment so I can blame that!