Sunday, June 13, 2010


Hi, guys. Did I tell you it was summer?

Yeah. It came on Wednesday, and left this morning.

Oh, did we enjoy while it lasted. This is my table on my veranda yesterday. Well, it is my landlord's veranda, and he who has bought the furniture for the veranda, bless his heart.

I read a book, listened to the radio, my skin got a liiiittle less bluewhite colour. I felt refreshed.

Summer is so lovely in a place where you really know how to appreciate it. When it comes in Norway, we ALL do all the summery things we can think of. If the temperature rises above 15 degrees, it's t-shirt, grilling, ice cream, sitting outside in cafees and bars... It's been a great last few days. Specially since my job involves spending time outside all day long, I get to enjoy the summer more than those working in offices, or just buildings in general. I work in a garden, at summer time. Hope for more summer next week. But today it's grey and rainy.

Happy feet!

Rain or sun, we are off to celebrate my birthday in advance with my mother who is visiting (but leaving before my real birthday). She wants to bake cake and celebrate the birth of her favorite daughter, so I gotta let her. Haha. And yeah, the pink roses are from my husband. In case you wondered...


Trine said...

Naiv super. Den hadde jeg og mannen høytlesning for hverandre fra. Vi LO oss gjennom den - Sommeren for 11 år siden. Jeg har planer om å lese den igjen snart. Artig!

xl pharmacy said...

very nice picture above of your radio and the roses, I love summer time, it is the best time of the year, you can go out and have a good time all;day long..:)