Wednesday, September 30, 2009


is really boring to watch. It lasts for soooo long. When I want to watch a program on TV its usually 30 min to 1 hour long. Football matches are 90 minutes long + 15 minutes break + 30 minutes before and after with self-absorbed guys who think the most important thing that just happened in the world is the match that is about to be/was just played, and they have to talk about it as if it was a meeting in the Security Council.

I promised the priest before we got married that when Manchester United is playing, he will (not the priest, the husband) get to watch it without ANY form of protest from me.

The priests nowadays are weird huh. I'm going to sleep. Luckily for me the commentary is in Norwegian and he doesnt care to listen to it, so I can put the sound of and sleep. Again. All I do is sleep in this stupid, cold, WET, dark season.


The Author said...

You think football is boring? Try a soap opera. Football is Heaven!

Laura said...

I always thought the same until 2002 World Cup Quarter Finals US - Germany. We were watching it in that seedy back alley "Irish" pub in Accra and my team was kicking American ass. I have been loving the game ever since. but only on international level. You'll get there...

by Vero said...

Football is life.