Friday, February 5, 2010

In God's hands

Okay, sorry about last post. So negative. Not good.

I have decided, for many reasons, to try and live by the "accept the things I can't change"-philosophy. I let too many things bug me, while I know I can't change them. So, if you hear me complain again, ask me if it is something that cant be changed.

A new and better week will hopefully start on Monday. I think the antibiotics I'm on are finally kicking in. Last night I kept hubby up all night, coughing my brains out, so it can only get better. The weather is good, only -0,2 degrees right now. Love it love it love it! It means no ice on the windows, and not a freezing bathroom.
And that also means going to the gym again. I have been sinning the last couple of weeks, feeling crappy, eating crap and visiting my beloved gym only a few times. A good gym friend of mine has left me though, I want to complain about it even if I can't change it! :-) She has travelled to Argentina, and I have to do our regular Tuesday and Thursday gym dates SOLO. And it's really boring. So, Silje, come back!!

I feel this is a messy post. Today you will get a song from my favorite artist. I guess. It is the wonderful, talented Nelly Furtado. Although she is my favorite, her last commercial pop album disappointed me, cos it was the special, original tunes that made her catch my eye (or ear). But I guess everyone needs to make money. I just know a couple of people who love Nelly, and the rest think she is weird. But the pop album is like "...oh yeah, I like Nelly Furtado..", since she now sounds like Beyoncè or whoever.

Aaaaaanyway. I will still share a song from her newest album, "Loose". It's a beautiful and touching song. And with this I wish you all a wonderful weekend!

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