The best day of the week if you ask me.
At work we joke and laugh and really get into the Friday mood. It's such an easy day to get through. It's just a happy day.
Unfortunately for my wanting to be a little bit healthier, Friday is also a day where there is snacks, chocolate, cakes or something bad in our lunch break room...
I fell to the temptation today and ate some chocolate. Right English? Who cares. I was at the gym this morning and burned them off in advance.
Over to today's picture. It is R for Reunion. These two girls were exchange students in Ghana when I was there 8 years ago. We attended the same program. The one in the middle is from USA and the one to the left is from Norway. We met in Trondheim in August. The two girls lived in Sunyani while I lived in Kumasi, but we travelled together, and met on camps for exchange students. Two very funny and interesting girls I have shared a lot of crazy times with. Let me sum up:
1. a 26 hour boat trip on the Volta lake, through sunshine and thunderstorms.
2. a taxi ride from Busua to Takoradi, a 5 person car carrying 12 people.
3. nights in Tamale guesthouses with curfew and scary police with big guns (during the Yendi crisis in 2002).
GOod times.
Nice pic...
Have you voted on my blog? We're telling a story
Yey! I was there all three times!! It's so great not to feel as if you missed something.
Googler så vennlig å oversette til norsk "Den engelse versjonen av det". Det kan bli ganske morsomt som f.eks.:
Den beste dagen i uken hvis du spør meg.
På jobb vi spøk og latter, og virkelig komme i stemning fredag. Det er slik en lett dag for å komme gjennom. Det er bare en gledens dag."
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