Today we are lighting the Christmas Tree in the Kindergarten after work. It's a gathering for the kids and parents. Hot dogs, Santa Claus is visiting, lottery, christmas carols... and they have reported R-A-I-N!
Ugly ugly ugly rain. We want snow. We live almost at the North Pole. Give us snow, damn it!
Ok. I will relax. 14 buttons on the 14th of December.
I live in Seattle, almost north of everywhere in the US except Alaska. Imagine no snow while Texas has some? I want me some snow too. LOL
Nice pic.
Thanks Myne! Hope you get snow soon, it actually snowed tonight!!
It is snowing here. Beautiful white flakes, LOVE IT! At this is the second warmest city in Germany. I always thought if there is snow here, there must be "day after tomorrow"-scenarios everwhere else in the world.
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